Exhibitor List


Prisoners Building Homes

Prisoners Building Homes is an award-winning, innovative, cross-government programme which unlocks land to deliver affordable, high-quality, low carbon, sustainable modular homes for local communities; whilst creating paid job opportunities and nationally accredited training for serving prisoners and prison leavers to enable them to turn their lives around, provide for their families, and reduce the cycle of reoffending.

Working in collaboration with the public, private and third sector the Programme unlocks and de-risks underutilised land for the delivery of MMC affordable net-zero/low-carbon homes on a permanent and meanwhile use basis; including an option for a rental fleet of homes as a low-cost, flexible option for local authorities.

Our ten PBH MMC housebuilders skilfully deliver accommodation on constrained sites, disused garage sites, micro-sites, over carparks and even in Flood Zones. They also employ and upskill serving and post release prisoners, providing them with a second chance, whilst addressing the skills gap in MMC.

Contact Details

Sophie Baker +4407739630407 Visit Website



Prisoners Building Homes - Showreel

Prisoners Building Homes short clip

Prisoners Building Homes: "It's a game-changer"

Prisoners Building Homes overview

Prisoners Building Homes: How it works

Prisoners Building Homes - How it works/outcomes