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Social Marketing Gateway

The Social Marketing Gateway is a specialist behaviour change and social marketing consultancy. Our aim is to help our clients deliver practicable and effective solutions to health, social, and environmental behavioural challenges, by delivering actionable insight and critical thinking.

We deliver a range of services that include:

Research - We are MRS Company partners and deliver full service, qualitative and quantitative research to generate actionable behavioural insight

Campaigns & Interventions - We develop, deliver, and evaluate targeted, insight led, behaviour change campaigns and interventions

Evaluation - We evaluate campaigns, interventions, and services to find out what has worked, what hasn’t worked, and why

Digital - to help facilitate behaviour change we offer innovative digitals solutions that include: campaign sites, apps, games, and digital marketing

Training - Our accredited training helps equip staff and stakeholders with behaviour change skills and confidence to engage with and have a positive impact on the communities they work with

https://www.socialmarketinggateway.co.uk https://www.smglearning.com/

Contact Details

Matt Howick +4401414839611 Visit Website