UNISON is the UK’s largest trade union and the leading public sector union, with over 1.3 million members. We want to see properly funded, top quality public services and the best possible use of public money. This means directly provided services, high quality management and properly rewarded, well-trained employees who are fully engaged in the delivery of services. UNISON provides negotiating and bargaining training and support for all our reps who work in local government. This enables them to engage in valuable partnership working with their employers and secure policy, pay and conditions outcomes that benefit all parties. Our members work in local councils, schools, voluntary organisations, housing associations and private companies, and UNISON is speaking up for public services and for the people who provide them. We campaign across the UK for properly-funded and publicly-provided local services. Our branches and members locally are at the forefront of a whole range of campaigns with one common theme – to protect the public services that local communities rely on. We want to work with colleagues across the local government sector on campaigns and initiatives to develop a positive vision for the future of local government, backed by proper investment from central government. Being part of UNISON means you have the full weight of the UK’s leading trade union behind you. With more members, we can do even more. If you are interested in joining UNISON, please go to https://join.unison.org.uk/