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Tussell is the market’s trusted source of insight into UK public sector procurement. Our online market intelligence platform helps companies to enhance their public sector business development, and public sector bodies to get better value from their procurement.

By consolidating trillions of pounds worth of public procurement data into a single platform, Tussell provides an unparalleled vantage point over the UK public procurement landscape.

Tussell's insights are trusted by over half of the UK Government's 39 'Strategic Suppliers', up-and-coming SMEs, and a growing number of Local, Central and NHS contracting authorities. Tussell is also the media’s trusted source of data on UK public procurement. With over 1,500 citations of our data across 450 different outlets since 2018, the media consistently turn to us for reliable insight and analysis into the latest developments surrounding UK public contracting and spending.

To learn more about us, head over to our website: https://www.tussell.com/

Contact Details

James Piggott +44020 3887 3591 Visit Website


  • What is Tussell? (4.25 MiB)

    Learn why Tussell is the market's trusted source of insight into UK public procurement.