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North West Employers and Real World Group

North West Employers is the Regional Employers Organisation for the North West. Our membership consists of the 36 local authorities across Cheshire and Merseyside, Cumbria, Lancashire and Greater Manchester along with Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Established in 1919, we are part of the North West local government community and our purpose is to build a stronger and more connected North West that has the capacity and capability to grow, respond to and deliver in, our ever-changing context.

We do this by bringing: • Innovative solutions through collaboration • Independent expertise • Specialist advice • Influential relationships at national, regional and local levels • A trusted and confidential sounding board

We are your Regional Employer Organisation and our close relationship with regional and national partner organisations helps us build a stronger and more connected North West.

Find out more at www.nwemployers.org.uk

Real World Group are internationally respected experts in the field of leadership. Best known for their ground-breaking work on engaging and inclusive leadership. Their externally validated, leadership diagnostic tools enable organisations to maximise performance and well-being through enhancing Engaging Leadership, team working and organisational culture. Their expertise in creating published research with real-world practical applications, has led them to be renowned in understanding what individuals and teams either in person or hybrid can do to achieve proven, inclusive, sustainable, and transformational changes in performance.

Find out more at www.realworld-group.com

Contact Details

Sharon Senior +440161 834 9362 Visit Website


Episode 1: Who Are North West Employers

A brief introduction to North West Employers with Gillian Bishop, Chief Executive.